It is time…

to end racism.

Bringing advocacy to communities in Maine.

Consider The Following….

We will call it out and we have every right too…


What We Stand Behind

June 2nd, 2020

April 20th, 2021

Our Focus

We look to advocate as change agents for Black & Brown individuals, or any of our BIPOC brothers and sisters, to end systemic racism in all places, beginning with Maine communities. We do this by working with both white communities, bringing non-racist practices and change through equity, justice, and reconciliation, and with Black and Brown brothers and sisters to help us bring an end to racism in our daily lives.

  By tackling economics, law, policy, and building a bridge between different ethnicities, we can end detrimental racism of all kinds, and teach people to speak up & speak out. 

Advocacy In 3 Ways


Hearing, Listening, Empathizing with those who have experienced racism first hand &  learning the history of racism in a person’s life and in this country.


Reacting & Understanding what people have learned so as to change the way we see one another; putting attention on how to internalize information received about racism & knowing how to grapple with implicit biases in life.


Getting Involved & Speaking Up so as to change behaviors to help mitigate systemic racism; tools to help answer the question "How can I as an individual do something’” with action steps.