
As advocates we believe:

  • Black and Brown brothers and sisters have the right to not be discriminated against, devalued, discredited, or otherwise killed based on the color of their skin.

  • Police brutality based on the color of skin is a real and serious problem. Law enforcement needs re-training, re-education, and re-allocation of monies to help strength their efforts. The use of excessive force upon Black and Brown people must end.

  • Racism is a multi-layered problem, showing itself in how people talk and act, and is embedded in the overall system of society which effects housing, economics, academics, and more towards BIPOC communities.

  • Black and Brown brothers and sisters need to be heard with regard to how racism has affected their lives, and to lead the way in demanding a new future for them and their children’s children.

  • Black and Brown brothers and sisters have a right to better economic means and should be leaders and owners of their communities, including but not limited to, operating and owning businesses, accumulating wealth, and gaining assets to establish themselves for generations hereafter.

  • Racism is NOT political; it is a human rights issue.

  • Black and Brown brothers and sisters seek the support of other ethnicities, including white individuals, but are not looking for white voices to commandeer the movement forward.

  • Our BIPOC communities need to unify together and help bring up those who have been affected by racism; helping to educate and guide those who have been “white washed” or led astray in their current climates.

  • Black Lives Matter…and It Is Time that we show it.

Our Mission

As advocates for change our efforts are focused on:

-Seeking Justice Reform
-Advocating for Economic Justice and Equality
-Championing Economic Empowerment For Black and Brown Individuals
-Desiring Human and Civil Rights
-Maintaining Equal and Quality Access For Black and Brown Individuals
-Reconciliation of All Races for Future Collaboration and Generational Success
-Removal of Individuals in Places of Influence or Power Engaging in Racism/Racist Rhetoric
-Leveraging Legislation/Policy Making At All Levels of Government

We exist to help Maine communities in this climate of racial equity work.  We want to be a voice in places that need, want, or haven’t heard the voice of marginalized individuals loud enough.